
Lower urinary tract symptoms (STUI) are those caused by the benign prostatic enlargment (moag other causes).

Up to 70% of the population aged 50 years and over will experience either obstructive or irritative symptoms: trouble urinating, weak stream, urgent need or high frequency, urinary tract infections, nocturia, incomplete voiding…

After some basic tests, the urologist will provide a treatment, depending on the severity of symptoms and the test results. Initially the use of medication is usually sufficient but sometimes a surgical intervention is required or recommended.

Among different surgical alternatives we have the REZUM, a minimally invasive therapy.


What is it?

A surgical thechnique performed at an outpatient surgery facility under sedation. It uses water vapor to shrink the prostate, solving the problems caused by the enlarged gland.


Which are the indications for this surgery?

It is very important to select which patients will benefit the most from this procedure. It is mostly designed for patients with a prostate volume from 30 to 80cc and without severe symptoms or previous complications. It is a good alternative for patients under medical treatment who want to avoide their side effects (ejaculation disorders, hypotension…) and improve their quality of life.


In summary

-Recommended for patients with prostatic volume from 30 to 80cc.

-Patients who wish to avoid the side effects from traditional surgery (erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, ejaculation disorders).

-Patiens who want to avoid the side effects from medication (diminished libido, ejaculation disorders, dry mouth, hypotension).

-Patients with comorbidities making the traditional surgery very risky or contraindicated.

-Patients assume this treatment may not be definitive (may need another procedure afterwards).


How is it performed?

It is an endoscopic procedure (through the urethra) performed under desation in an operating room or outpatient facility. It lasts a short time (up to 20 minutes). The patient is discharged in a few hours with an urethral catheter which will be removed a week later.


What are the main advantages?

-Minimally invasive procedure

-Low risk of complications

-Outpatient procedure without general anesthesia

-Short surgical time

-Does not generate incontinence or erectile dysfunction

-Preserves ejaculation in most patients

-Alternative to pharmacological treatment

-Symptom improvement within two weeks

-Usually the maximum therapeutic benefit is after 3 months

-Good post-surgical tolerance: mild urinary symptoms (urgency, itching) that disappear gradually within 3 weeks in 93% of patients
